Registration Open for 2024 ASAE Congressional Fly-In

December 21, 2023

Registration is now open for ASAE’s 2024 Congressional Fly-In, taking place March 5-6, 2024, in Washington, DC.

The ASAE Congressional Fly-In is the only legislative action event dedicated to promoting the vital economic and societal role filled by associations. At this year’s fly-in, attendees can expect to: hear from legislators and Congressional staff; meet with and inform Congressional staff about how associations build up America’s economy; help grow support for policies that promote workforce and economic development; and learn principles in association policy and tips to build successful advocacy programs.

Registration is limited to ASAE members. The early-bird rate is $249 and will increase to $299 on December 31, 2023. This annual event continues to grow and now provides 4.57 CAE credit hours.

One additional CAE credit hour is available for joining the optional “First Timers Session: Advocacy 101” before lunch on March 5. This optional session will provide a more intimate setting for advocacy beginners and anyone who wants to sharpen their lobbying skills. Attendees will gain insight on the basics of a Congressional meeting, how to connect with their state group and how to effectively advocate in Congress.

Space is limited to approximately 150 attendees so we encourage folks to register as soon as possible. Email ASAE Public Policy with questions.


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