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November 23, 2022
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking and request for public comment on government and business impersonation fraud that has impacted a broad range of industries, trade shows and events and has grown worse during the pandemic.
The FTC blog titled, Pulling the mask off impersonation scams: How they impact your business, states, “Impersonators have come up with B2B-specific forms of fraud that target members of certain industries, often cutting and pasting names and logos to bolster the illusion of legitimacy. It’s all bogus, but by the time the businesses find out, the scammers have vanished with their money.”
The FTC is looking for public feedback on the proposed rule on Impersonation of Government and Business. Comments on the rule are due on December 16, 2022, and ASAE will be among the associations responding. View instructions on how to submit and associations feedback on the advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
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